The offseason always presents a turnover when it comes to head football coaches in Colorado. Below is a list of football coaching changes as coaches depart their programs and new ones come in.

Significant changes have already been made as Jay Madden moves from Legacy to ThunderRidge and Monte Thelen has left Legend.

This list will be updated as we become aware of changes.


Arvada West Brad Pyatt
Aspen Eric McCready
Brighton Mike Brown
Canon City Pat Bloemen Monte Pinkerton
Cedaredge Lane Varner
Denver Christian Rob Harris
Denver East Stephen Ruempolhamer
Doherty Dwight Hale Mike Campbell
Dove Creek Jason Fury
Durango Ryan Woolverton
Falcon Josh Flores
Forge Christian Art Berlanga Trent Matthews
Grand Valley James Miller
Hinkley Dennis York
Horizon Ron Woolfork Bill Nelson
Ignacio Alfonso Garcia
Kennedy Doug Askew
Legacy Jay Madden
Legend Monte Thelen Jake Heaps
Liberty Erick Gossage
Littleton Chad Koepke Michael Simmons
Longmont Doug Johnson Jordan Graff
Montbello Stanley Richardson
Mountain View Steve Frye
Pine Creek David Hedges
Rangeview Christoper Dixon Chris Lopez
Rock Canyon Kevin Meyer Nick Artinger
Thornton Tate Drane Dominic Tillman
ThunderRidge Sam Campfield Jay Madden
Valor Christian Brett McGatlin
Vista PEAK Mike Campbell
Westminster CJ Hanna Chris Helbig
Widefield Shane Zimmerman
Wiggins Reid Kahl